Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obama's perspective about 9/11

President Barack Obama remember thinks that time was not only an attack on America but an attack against the world and humanity and the hopes we share and he remembers with gratitude how everybody around the world ten years ago was together. whole cities were paralyzed in moments of silence. People offered prayers in churches, synagogues and other places of faith. 
 It's very interesting when president Barack Obama talks about division and unity saying: " who attacked us on September 11 wanted to create divisions between the U.S. and the world. Failed. In this 10. Anniversary, we join our partners and friends to remember those we lost in this struggle. In honor of his memory, we reiterate the spirit of partnership and mutual respect we need to realize a world in which all persons live with dignity, freedom and peace."

After 10 years, the The United States has the support from many countries and 9/11 wasn't an
attack to divide because american people worked for a new hope.


9/11 became a historical tragedy to American people but, also it had an impact around the world because
terrorism is a strong phenomenon in our human civilization and the war has become in a determinant factor of each culture and each country. 9/11 was a horrible event which marked a new period in the history of The United States, an age of unsafety and permanent war. But, the destruction of the twin towels wasn't the end of American culture; New York City lost many lives but, americans had the hope to continue working for the Nation and growing of the new generations.
When I remember these events I got in my mind several questions in order to try to understand and clarify what are the human limits and why the difference among us has become in something negative. I don't know what was the main factor in this attack, perhaps religion, economy, politic, I don't know but, it is a picture which shows us that human being must begin to build the civilization.