Saturday, September 10, 2011


9/11 became a historical tragedy to American people but, also it had an impact around the world because
terrorism is a strong phenomenon in our human civilization and the war has become in a determinant factor of each culture and each country. 9/11 was a horrible event which marked a new period in the history of The United States, an age of unsafety and permanent war. But, the destruction of the twin towels wasn't the end of American culture; New York City lost many lives but, americans had the hope to continue working for the Nation and growing of the new generations.
When I remember these events I got in my mind several questions in order to try to understand and clarify what are the human limits and why the difference among us has become in something negative. I don't know what was the main factor in this attack, perhaps religion, economy, politic, I don't know but, it is a picture which shows us that human being must begin to build the civilization.

1 comment:

  1. Carlos, Thank you for sharing your ideas and questions. I wonder, when you talk about clarifying the human limits, are you talking about the extremes of evil and inhumane treatment of others, or about the boundless goodness and charity of spirit that tragedy can bring out in people? Or maybe both?
